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Bettie Jane's Center Of Dance Art

About Bettie Jane's Center Of Dance Art

Bettie Jane’s Center of Dance Art (BJCDA) was established in 1960 by Mrs. Bettie Jane Bryant, and is directed by her daughter, Ms. Carrie Bryant-Render. We offer a multitude of styles and classes for dancers of all ages who wish to participate in our annual benefit recital. We have drop-in options for more casual dancers who want to have fun and be active. Family and community service are core values to our studio, exemplified by our multi-generational dancers and various events held throughout the year in the greater Frederick area. Bettie Jane’s Center of Dance Art is a home away from home, and strives to provide each student with a quality dance education. We help create well-rounded dancers with skills that benefit them not only on stage, but in life. Come join our family in dance!


6408 Mt Phillip Rd
Frederick, MD 21703
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About Bettie Jane's Center Of Dance Art

Bettie Jane’s Center of Dance Art (BJCDA) was established in 1960 by Mrs. Bettie Jane Bryant, and is directed by her daughter, Ms. Carrie Bryant-Render. We offer a multitude of styles and classes for dancers of all ages who wish to participate in our annual benefit recital. We have drop-in options for more casual dancers who want to have fun and be active. Family and community service are core values to our studio, exemplified by our multi-generational dancers and various events held throughout the year in the greater Frederick area. Bettie Jane’s Center of Dance Art is a home away from home, and strives to provide each student with a quality dance education. We help create well-rounded dancers with skills that benefit them not only on stage, but in life. Come join our family in dance!

2 Years

BOB Top 5

2022 Best Dance Studio

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Bettie Jane's Center Of Dance Art



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  • {{ day | titlecase }} Open 24 Hours {{ formatTime24to12(times[0]) }} - {{ formatTime24to12(times[1]) }}, {{ day | titlecase }} Closed

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Bettie Jane's Center Of Dance Art

Featured In

2 Years

BOB Top 5

2022 Best Dance Studio