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Morningside Inn

About Morningside Inn

Morningside Inn offers the perfect setting for a wedding and reception. Ceremonies are performed on the open patio surrounded by a background of rolling hills, woods and ponds. The Inn offers an alternative for inclement weather with its quick relocation inside where the large windows overlook the panoramic view. Separate bride and groom’s rooms provide the ideal location for getting ready and taking pre-ceremony pictures. Photographers love the amazing photo ops available here because nature has provided an unforgettable background. Elegant dining is provided on the upper level with its warm fireplace, oak beams and floors. The lower level has an open feel with spacious dance floor, bar area and casual seating for mingling and dancing. Our unique combination of serenity, elegance and spaciousness is sure to impress your guests. Tim, the Chef, has been preparing food for events here since our opening. Our guests always comment on the delicious cuisine--praise such as: “the menu we chose was prepared perfectly” and “we received lots of compliments about the food and your friendly, helpful staff”. Morningside’s excellent preferred vendors offer the convenience of on-site flowers and photography, as well as a DJ service and wedding cake specialist. You can be confident that you have dependable, superior vendors with many years of experience at Morningside. Our wedding coordinators make planning and executing your event easy and stress-free.


7477 McKaig Rd
Frederick, MD 21701
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About Morningside Inn

Morningside Inn offers the perfect setting for a wedding and reception. Ceremonies are performed on the open patio surrounded by a background of rolling hills, woods and ponds. The Inn offers an alternative for inclement weather with its quick relocation inside where the large windows overlook the panoramic view. Separate bride and groom’s rooms provide the ideal location for getting ready and taking pre-ceremony pictures. Photographers love the amazing photo ops available here because nature has provided an unforgettable background. Elegant dining is provided on the upper level with its warm fireplace, oak beams and floors. The lower level has an open feel with spacious dance floor, bar area and casual seating for mingling and dancing. Our unique combination of serenity, elegance and spaciousness is sure to impress your guests. Tim, the Chef, has been preparing food for events here since our opening. Our guests always comment on the delicious cuisine--praise such as: “the menu we chose was prepared perfectly” and “we received lots of compliments about the food and your friendly, helpful staff”. Morningside’s excellent preferred vendors offer the convenience of on-site flowers and photography, as well as a DJ service and wedding cake specialist. You can be confident that you have dependable, superior vendors with many years of experience at Morningside. Our wedding coordinators make planning and executing your event easy and stress-free.

2 Years

BOB Finalist

2022 Best Event Venue

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Morningside Inn

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Morningside Inn



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  • {{ day | titlecase }} Open 24 Hours {{ formatTime24to12(times[0]) }} - {{ formatTime24to12(times[1]) }}, {{ day | titlecase }} Closed

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Morningside Inn

Featured In

2 Years

BOB Finalist

2022 Best Event Venue