Founded in 1965, The Tire Mart is located at 43 Degrange St. in Frederick, MD as an automotive repair, tire, and wheel center. We have spent the last 50 years delivering auto repairs, tires, and wheels to satisfied customers. You can come see us in person, or schedule an appointment online today from the comfort of your couch.
The Tire Mart is owned by Mitch and Karen Nikirk. Ken Martin, Karen's father, bought a small church in 1965 and turned it into a tire shop. Ken used to recap tires inside the old church and change tires in the driveway before building the main shop in 1974. Mitch began working for Ken as a tire tech in 1978. He met Karen and has been there ever since.
In 2001, Karen and Mitch bought the shop from Ken.
Our shop is tucked away on a small street off the beaten path. That helps us understand the importance of building relationships with our customers. We realize you have a lot of choices to buy tires and have your car serviced, so we go out of our way to make your visit a pleasant experience.
Founded in 1965, The Tire Mart is located at 43 Degrange St. in Frederick, MD as an automotive repair, tire, and wheel center. We have spent the last 50 years delivering auto repairs, tires, and wheels to satisfied customers. You can come see us in person, or schedule an appointment online today from the comfort of your couch.
The Tire Mart is owned by Mitch and Karen Nikirk. Ken Martin, Karen's father, bought a small church in 1965 and turned it into a tire shop. Ken used to recap tires inside the old church and change tires in the driveway before building the main shop in 1974. Mitch began working for Ken as a tire tech in 1978. He met Karen and has been there ever since.
In 2001, Karen and Mitch bought the shop from Ken.
Our shop is tucked away on a small street off the beaten path. That helps us understand the importance of building relationships with our customers. We realize you have a lot of choices to buy tires and have your car serviced, so we go out of our way to make your visit a pleasant experience.
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43 Degrange St