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Ricci Italian Restaurant

About Ricci Italian Restaurant

Ricci Italian Restaurant serves upscale Italian and seafood Dishes, including wood-fired steak and Neapolitan pizza. Everything is made from scratch, with ingredients imported from Italy. Check out website for weekly specials and full menu. We can't wait to welcome you for an exceptional dining experience at Ricci!


1021 Mill Pond Rd
Frederick, MD 21701
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About Ricci Italian Restaurant

Ricci Italian Restaurant serves upscale Italian and seafood Dishes, including wood-fired steak and Neapolitan pizza. Everything is made from scratch, with ingredients imported from Italy. Check out website for weekly specials and full menu. We can't wait to welcome you for an exceptional dining experience at Ricci!

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Ricci Italian Restaurant

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Ricci Italian Restaurant



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  • {{ day | titlecase }} Open 24 Hours {{ formatTime24to12(times[0]) }} - {{ formatTime24to12(times[1]) }}, {{ day | titlecase }} Closed

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Frederick, MD 21703